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With Options Cash Cow, you’ll receive:

  • The Wednesday “Cash Cow” Alerts. Every Wednesday we’ll
    deliver three trading opportunities directly to your email inbox. Two of
    those trades will be short term credit spreads on weekly options. One trade
    will be a longer term credit spread on monthly options. You also receive the
    Credit Spread Trading Blueprints. For each alert, we provide an explanation
    of why we chose it. Plus complete details of how the trade is structured.
  • The Friday “Tweaks” And Recap. We send you any changes
    to the long term positions… plus… a summary discussing the outcome of the
    prior week’s trades
  • The Credit Spreads 101 Video and Spread Calculator. We prepared
    these as a courtesy to you. After all, we have no idea what you know or
    don’t know about weekly options and credit spreads.

Dear Trader,
After years of providing our loyal readers with Options Cash Cow’s valuable spreads, we’ve decided to close down this service to focus on building additional products and resources to help our traders.
If you’re interested in options, take a look here.
Happy Trading!

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