Tesla is Dead. Elon Musk is Ruined

Tesla is Dead. Elon Musk is Ruined

Courtesy of our friends at The Crows Nest “Tesla is Dead. Elon Musk is Ruined My friends complain all the time about charging their Teslas. It takes five hours. And that's just when it's half dead. So imagine their surprise when I recently told them about a brand-new green technology that charges not in hours, but in less than five minutes! It's as quick as filling a tank of gas, except there's no carbon emissions... It lasts hundreds of miles longer... And it NEVER dies – it can recharge forever. The only thing it emits is pure, clean drinking water. Best of ...
“Leaked” Technology Proves Big Oil Is DONE

“Leaked” Technology Proves Big Oil Is DONE

Courtesy of our friends at Investor Place Media “Leaked” Technology Proves Big Oil Is DONE Dear Reader, A recent breakthrough could officially mark the beginning of the end for the world's most popular electric car maker... An innovation so profound — so transformative — insiders are already calling it... A paradigm shift in energy technology. (U.S. Department of Energy) The death blow to lithium-ion batteries (Business Insider) Even going so far as to call it the Jesus Battery because the properties it exhibits are so miraculous. (Wired magazine) The Intern...
Don’t Rely on Dividends Alone…

Don’t Rely on Dividends Alone…

Courtesy of our friends at Investor Place Media Don't Rely on Dividends Alone… Don't Rely on Dividends Alone: Here Are 65 Ways ANYONE Can Make Extra Cash (Without Working) Dear Reader, If you're counting on stock dividends to fund your retirement, you could be in for an unpleasant surprise. I'm sure you've noticed that the stock market has experienced heightened volatility due to the coronavirus pandemic. Many of the markets largest dividend payers — like Exxon Mobil, Johnson & Johnson and Coca-Cola — have taken heavy losses over the past few weeks and it could...