10 Best Recession Proof Stocks

Some of the best stocks on the stock market are recession proof investments, or companies that can perform well in a bear market. Each bear market is different, but include a major stock market crash, from the tech bubble bursting to the Great Recession of the financial crisis to this year’s Covid Crash. But there are a few qualities that apply to recession proof stocks. They’re companies that are capable of growing their revenues and earnings over time, while also providing ...
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stock market statistics 2020

Stock Market Statistics in 2020: Your Biggest Questions About the Markets Answered

There are a lot of common questions about the stock market—whether dealing with historical returns, the best performing sectors, or how the United States has performed relative to the rest of the world—that are fascinating data in and of themselves. Rather than having to scour the internet for answers to these stock market statistics, we’ve put together this list that answers the most common questions—at least outside of “What stock should I buy now?” This should save you some time scouring ...
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what are the best stocks to buy for beginners

What Are the Best Stocks to Buy for Beginners?

Getting started is the hardest part of any endeavor. Investing is no different. While the world of investing can be infinitely complex, there are a few ways for investors to start investing in the stock market (also known as the equity market or even share market). Most beginner investors will either gravitate towards buying an index fund, an exchange-traded fund (ETF) or mutual fund that tracks an entire stock exchange, or they’ll start buying penny stocks in the hope of large and ...
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options trading chart

Is Options Trading Better than Stock Trading?

In the right cases, absolutely! For fast-moving companies, whether up or down, options trading offers superior returns to owning stocks. Offering higher percentage gains at a lower cost to stocks, options are well worth the few potential dangers that work against them. We’ll delve into the pros and cons of stocks versus options so you can see for yourself. Options Pros & Cons Pro #1: Options Leverage Your Gains It goes without saying why traders have turned to option contracts over the years ...
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How can I double my money in 5 years?

How Can I Double My Money In 5 Years? A Guide to Compounding Wealth

On average, the stock market returns about 10 percent annually before inflation. While individual stocks can vary wildly, that beats the average returns against bonds or other asset classes. That’s especially true with annual interest rates back at zero percent. But here’s the beauty of that average return: If you keep your profits in the stock market, you can grow your wealth far faster than even that 10 percent figure. Why? Thanks to the power of compounding your initial investment, and with ...
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Can You Get Rich From Stocks?

Absolutely! The stock market can be volatile, even dangerous. But used correctly, it’s a powerful wealth-building tool that has stood the test of time, including global depressions, wild fluctuations in interest rates, and even world wars. Those who use this tool properly, even following just a few simple guidelines, can build massive amounts of wealth.  What it really takes is an understanding of the common sense and patience involved to make those returns happen. Let’s take a look in detail about how that ...
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FAANG Stocks

What are FAANG Stocks? And Why You Should Invest In Them

The FAANG stocks, listed below, are simply five of the best companies that have ever existed. Mostly from the tech sector, they’ve shown shareholders love over the years with massive returns on the stock market, combined with growing earnings—and a few even pay dividends! In fact, at times, the FAANG stocks have been the sole driver of returns for the overall market. The other 495 names in the S&P 500 Index have simply performed that poorly compared to this small basket ...
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best stocks to invest in

8 Best Stocks to Invest In 2020 | Trading Tips

The stock market is a phenomenal way to build wealth, as it allows an investor to place their money in a vehicle that automatically makes more money. At least, for investors who know what they’re doing. A beginning investor may start out lucky or unlucky, but if they focus on great companies, chances are they’ll do just fine over time with their common stock trading. Looking at the best companies—those that can consistently grow their earnings and cash flow, and who ...
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