This Former Market Darling Looks Ready to Turn Around

Some sectors of the market are cyclical, moving in and out of favor with investors. Typically, a stock that gets overbought will see a big correction. And stocks that get oversold will come roaring back. In today’s market, looking for oversold opportunities looks like a good way to buck a possible market pullback after a strong run this year. Investors who buy such companies may see some volatility, but could make big returns in a few months to a year. One oversold ...
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Slow and Steady Earnings Growth Will Win the Investment Race

Investing is a marathon, although with all the day-to-day news and quarterly earnings report, it may not always feel like that. A handful of companies get their focus right, looking at the long haul versus short-term moves. Those companies may not always please investors during their quarterly earnings reports. But all companies will have a disappointing quarter from time to time. Great companies don’t let it faze them at all. Conglomerate Berkshire Hathaway (BRK-B) is one such company. A mix of fully-owned ...
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Investors Love AI, But They Haven’t Forgotten This Profitable Tech Trend

Every few years, if less, investors find a new tech story to love. The past few years has seen interest shift to artificial intelligence, following an interest in the growth of electric vehicles, as well as blockchain and cryptocurrency technology. One trend is a bit older, having been around for nearly 10 years. And as a more mature trend, it’s leading to big cash flows and profits for companies embracing it now. That trend is the cloud. Cloud services have grown tremendously ...
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This International Brand Looks Set to Soar

Stocks that lead the market in one year will likely lag the next. The reverse is also true. Even during a bull market, some stocks and sectors soar higher, while others underperform. But they tend to win out when the trend shifts. This year’s market rally has been driven by tech stocks. And fears of a slowdown in consumer spending have hit companies with strong brands hard. But companies lagging this year could still be winners in the months ahead. One potential ...
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Brands Are Down but Not Out as Inflation Declines

The past few months have shown a big slowdown in inflation. It’s also shown that consumers are willing to ditch their favorite brands to find less expensive substitutes. However, that trend likely won’t last forever. As prices in general rise, even substitute brands may not entice consumers as they once did. That could bode well for companies that have a strong basket of brands, even if their profitability has been hit in the short-term. For instance, Kraft Heinz (KHC) reported a decline ...
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Use Short-Term Weakness to Buy Oligopoly Stocks

Many sectors condense over time into just a few players. An oligopoly can be great for investors, as companies tend to look for ways to improve their profitability, rather than spend considerable money on expansion once there’s a small and stable number of players in the market. That can lead to good investment returns. The returns can improve when investors buy during short-term market fears. That includes the opportunities hitting one company harder during earnings season compared to others. For instance, JetBlue ...
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Don’t Overlook Profit Opportunities In the AI Software Space

So far, this year has been kind to semiconductor companies. That’s because most of them can benefit from the exploding interest in AI technology. However, the hardware companies may have run up a bit too quickly. The software companies behind AI likely have more room to run. There’s a good amount of competition, both in AI prompts, and for developing AI software tools that can combine and leverage the power of multiple pieces of AI software. One big cap winner in the ...
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Grab Big Profits In this Latest Consumer Trend

The last year has seen consumers slow down in some parts of the market, but gain in others. The biggest gains have come from travel, leisure, and hospitality services, rather than the sale of goods. For a world that was largely locked down for a considerable amount of time, that trend makes sense. It’s also a trend likely to continue for some time. Investors have a number of ways to play this trend. One safe way to do so is to profit ...
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