Unusual Options Activity: Ryder System (R)

Shares of logistics and trading company Ryder System (R) have broken even over the past year amid a more tumultuous return for the S&P 500 index. One trader sees that outperformance continuing with a further rally in the coming weeks. That’s based on the November $80 calls. With 79 days until expiration, 5,032 contracts traded compared to a prior open interest of 110, for a 45-fold rise in volume on the trade. The buyer of the calls paid $3.65. With shares recently ...
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One Seasonal Trend Likely to Benefit Shareholders Has Arrived

Typically, the fall season isn’t good for the stock market. Much like a harvest season, it’s a time for reaping, not sowing. But in some parts of the economy, the fall can be a favorite time of year. Why? Because the pumpkin spice must flow. A favorite flavor of the fall season, pumpkin-themed flavoring in a variety of foods and beverages has exploded in recent years. That tends to bode well for the bottom line for a number of companies. The most ...
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Insider Trading Report: Energizer Holdings (ENR)

Mark Lavigne, CEO at Energizer Holdings (ENR), recently added 3,000 shares. The buy increased his holdings by 2 percent, and came to a total price of just over $91,400. This is the second buy from the CEO in the past few weeks, following a 2,500 share buy. Over the past three years, insides haven’t been too active overall, but insider buying has generally exceeded selling. And company directors have been more inclined to be sellers, with company executives adding to their ...
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Unusual Options Activity: Twitter (TWTR)

Shares of social media company Twitter (TWTR) are down 38 percent in the past year, amid heavy volatility over the potential takeover of the company. One trader sees shares declining in the coming weeks. That’s based on the November $34 puts. With 78 days until expiration, 4,249 contracts traded compared to a prior open interest of 213, for a 20-fold rise in volume on the trade. The buyer of the puts paid $3.70 to make the downside bet. Shares recently went ...
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Ongoing Inflation Will Continue to Favor This Asset Class

Inflation is still running hot. While that may change in the coming months, it will still take a long time to get back to a pre-pandemic level. Investors who are mindful of inflation know that they have a few ways to protect their wealth. One way is with commodities. These are physical goods that have a real use as the building blocks of the economy, in everything from construction to food to energy. While demand for these goods may decline in a ...
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Insider Trading Report: HF Sinclair Corp (DINO)

Franklin Myers, a director at HF Sinclair Corp (DINO), recently added 7,250 shares. The buy increased his holdings by about 7.3 percent, and came to a total price just under $406,000. This adds to a 4,800 share buy that the director made earlier in August, and 10,700 shares back in May. Overall, insiders have been fairly active as both buyers and sellers in the past few months, with more buying than selling. Overall, insiders own 25.8 percent of the company. The oil ...
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Unusual Options Activity: Abbott Laboratories (ABT)

Shares of pharmaceutical and medical supply company Abbott Laboratories (ABT) have lost about 20 percent of their value in the past year. One trader sees a further drop in shares ahead. That’s based on the November $75 put options. With 79 days until expiration, 10,841 contracts traded compared to a prior open interest of 350, for a 31-fold rise in volume on the trade. The buyer of the puts paid $0.24. Shares recently traded for $102, so they would need to lose ...
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Stick With Defensive Stocks in the Months Ahead

Investors expecting a turnaround in stocks this fall just had their hopes dashed. But investors who continue to stick with companies with great long-term potential can fare well. In today’s environment, companies that play to a defensive nature – where consumers tend to spend no matter how the economy performs—offer good returns relative to today’s risks. Investing in these companies now, with share prices down, can offer moderate gains with less potential downside going forward. One traditional place where investors can be ...
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