Earnings Suggest This “Old School Economy” Trend Is Here to Stay

This week, global leaders flew in private jets and extensive motorcades to meet regarding the climate and how greenhouse gas emissions could be curbed. The meeting occurred as oil prices globally hovered near a seven-year high with no sign of abating. Those high prices are starting to show up positively for traditional hydrocarbon companies as well. Any stock that has an oil or gas well has been a strong performer in recent months. The latest winner is ConocoPhillips (COP). The company handily ...
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This Diversified Play on the Economy Likely Made the Right Moves this Quarter

Every company navigates earnings season a bit differently, no matter what sector they’re in. However, few companies report on the weekend. One exception? Berkshire Hathaway (BRK-B). The company reports this Saturday. A likely economic rebound in many of the company’s fully-owned subsidiaries, appreciating stock portfolio, and share buybacks point to some big profits ahead. Going forward, the mix of improving earnings and reduced share could should continue to drive shares higher. Already, estimates are for a 32 percent rise in operating earnings, ...
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This Formerly Bankrupt Company May Hint at the Future of Travel

Last year, retail traders piled into shares of Hertz Global (HTZZ) as the company was still in bankruptcy. With the company largely in limbo due to the pandemic’s uncertainty regarding business and leisure travel, the notion of investors buying in seemed ridiculous. But those investors are having the last laugh. They pushed the share price higher, allowed the company to issue more shares and pay down debt, and now the world is facing a shortage of cars rather than a surplus. Last ...
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This Retailer’s Business Model Isn’t Feeling the Sting of Supply Shortages

A number of companies have been warning this earnings season about potential supply chain shortages. While many retailers may see some partially bare shelves, those that have embraced a different business model are faring just fine. One such company is Overstock (OSTK). The company is an online-retailer. Its business model involves acquiring and selling inventory that other retailers have already tried to sell, although today it also carries new items. While many were expecting retail to struggle, the company’s most recent financials ...
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The Pandemic Permanently Thinned the Ranks of This Rare Type of Stock

Studies have shown that as much as half of an investor’s total return over a lifetime can come from receiving and reinvesting dividends. Combined with the timing of a trader, investors who buy into out-of-favor income stocks can lock in relatively high yields and see further capital gains. The pandemic caused a number of companies to reduce or even cut dividends entirely. Some have brought them back, some haven’t. The overall result? A fewer number of companies defined as dividend aristocrats. Investors ...
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Amid a Shortage for Tech Parts, This One Niche Continues to Thrive

While the semiconductor chip shortage appears likely to continue well into next year, a number of tech plays are still able to avoid the challenge presented by that shortage. One particularly strong tech niche is one that has exploded during the pandemic era, specifically that of cloud services. As the world has continued to work remotely, companies playing to the cloud trend have done exceptionally well. There’s no better case study for this trend than Microsoft (MSFT). The tech giant saw its ...
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With Or Without Crypto Mining Demand, This Tech Stock a Buy

Led by Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies are moving higher. That’s great for cryptos themselves, as well as a number of companies that play to integrating cryptos into the existing financial system and the public’s mind. However, many tech companies have been burned, as crypto mining has gone in and out of favor over the years. That’s created a lot of uncertainty for a number of companies in terms of marginal demand, and the market hates uncertainty. Case in point? Nvidia (NVDA). The leading producer ...
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The Market Is Clear: When in Doubt, Buy Quality

Some stocks in the same industry may have a vastly different valuation than others. This is typically the market’s way of indicating which company is the industry leader. That may be higher profit margins, or a better product, or even more loyal customers. This notion recently appeared on the market when chipmaker Intel (INTC) reported earnings. As with its prior reports, the numbers were okay, but poor guidance and a sense that the company was treading water operationally led to a ...
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